Data are company's most valuable asset.
Utilise them!

The heart of the ResEvo company consists of a team of professionals with know-how, experience and competences in the field of business analytics development and implementation.
We compete on a global stage: the Internet, cloud, etc. We are all just a click away. We cooperate with large enterprises and small businesses at home and worldwide.
Our mission
We create software solutions that make the work easier for our users. Knowledge of modern technologies and close cooperation with our partners enable us to turn complex issues into manageable and comprehensible challenges.
Tomaž Bergant
Co-owner, CEO and
Head of Development
Our vision
Klemen Kovačič
Co-owner, Authorised Representative and Head of Services and Implementation
Our strategy
Simona Bergant
Head of Sales and Marketing
Provide our customer with a solution that will satisfy all their needs in the field of business decision-making. We listen and observe the needs and wishes of the customer, and at the same time add our knowledge and experience as well as state-of-the-art technology. This way our customer gets the best solution adapted to the specifics of their business operations.
We developed a marvellous analytics platform where an exceptional user experience enables everyone to find answers to hypotheses and questions in an efficient manner. Whenever, wherever and on any device! Decisions that we make today will impact our future. Our goal is that the companies benefit from our cooperation to achieve only positive effects.
The enhancement has been received well by users
They obtained a uniform system, which supports them in their business decision-making
The users are satisfied.
Requirements and wishes for improvement
It is a time for change and we are prepared to make it.
Implementation of new habits and tools
The change will positively affect the company's business operations.
The 21/90 rule
We need 21 days to make a new habit, and 90 days to turn it into our lifestyle.
Whatever you do today, is aimed at making your future easier.
«The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new» – Socrates.
ResEvo D.O.O.
Finžgarjeva 1a
4248 Lesce, SLOVENIA
Company reg. No.: 2296896
Tax ID No.: SI13015702
Bank account No.: SI56 0400 0027 8985 327
The heart of ResEvo company represents a team consisting of exceptional people.
Tel: +386 41 911 523
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